Saw a significant reduction in launch costs at an accelerated timeframe
Agricultural Industry
Significant reduction in launch costs
Several years ago, Tractor Manufacturer was working with a pair of engineering services providers to solve unique production bottlenecks and facility layout problems. Unfortunately for them, neither of these companies was able to obtain the results anticipated. With multiple programs destined for their manufacturing plant, they turned to Magnys Innovative Solutions to develop the ideal layout. Magnys went to work and soon presented multiple layout scenarios to their manufacturing management team. Management chose a path forward and asked Magnys to partner with them to implement their plan.
Magnys quickly delivered a FactoryCAD 3D layout that solved all concerns. These layouts included every tool, part, equipment and utility in 3D. Working onsite at the plant, Magnys project managers and associates developed database tools and utilized data extracted from the layout to document material location line-side. Magnys developed contractor SOWs (scope of work) and provided coordination to the contractors and assembly line set-up team.
The end result of this collaboration was reduced changeover time and more up-time, equating to an estimated $80,000,000 increase in revenue due Magnys efforts. The program has been so successful that they continued to turn to Magnys for subsequent programs.